Wednesday 11 March 2015

5th March 2015 - one year 'meat'* free. My story so far.

A brief post

* 'meat' reference see the bottom.

So, I started out as a vegetarian on the 5th March 2014, it was pancake day on the 4th and thus, I gave up 'meat'* for lent. I'd wanted to do it for so long and never did, this seemed like the right opportunity. I knew in my heart that it wasn't just for lent (I'm not religious), I just wanted to push myself to finally do it.

During the course of the first month or two, I decided to become pescatarian first (i.e. eat fish but not 'meat'*), this seemed right at the time for me. I was pescatarian until January 2015, which is when I became full vegetarian. I think this is perfectly acceptable to slowly ease oneself into becoming full veggie, take one step at a time.

I am taking steps towards becoming vegan; I understand the heinous acts that occur in the dairy industry.

I don't buy cows milk and have soya milk instead, I don't eat eggs, I have vegan bars and have tried different soya products. However I do eat quorn products, chocolate and other products that have dairy traces.

Quorn are currently working on making their products to cater for vegans, which is a step in the right direction. One day I hope there will be many more products in the market available to cater for vegans. I am taking this process slowly, and everyones journey is different.

I am always on the search for cruelty free products: make-up, clothing etc which I would urge every one to do regardless.

In short- I will never go back. I could never eat an animal. I could never condone the murder of animals just to fill my stomach. I know that the animals we call 'meat'* are sentient beings, that can and do love and feel happiness, but mostly pain, worry, anxiety - when they know their fate. I wish I never ate 'meat'* for 19 years. [this does not refer to the harrowing conditions, treatment, torture, quality of life of these animals - that is another story, a heartbreaking one at that]

* The reasoning for 'meat' being in '...' is because this is a word which objectifies life, to disconnect people from what is actually on their plates. I completely understand; some people don't even think about the journey of their food, they just eat it because its the norm. Make the connection.

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